Thursday, August 19, 2010

Mariinated Veggie Salad courtesy of Sue

Sue shared this delicious salad with us- it is from her mother's recipes. This is wonderful, but do give it overnight to marinate and have those flavors blend!

Please note- if you are on the Atkins Way of Eating, this salad is not for the earlier phases, because of the green peas, kidney beans and corn in it.

Marinated Veggie Salad
1 -10 oz pkg green peas, 1 can red kidney beans, 1 can green beans, 1 can corn...all drained, 1 C diced celery, 1 medium chopped onion, 1/2 C diced green pepper, and 1 -2 oz jar diced pimento. The dressing is 3/4 C vinegar, 1/2 C sugar (Splenda instead), 2 Tbls oil, 1 1/2 tsp salt, 1 Tbls water, 1/2 tsp paprika. Mix until thoroughly blended. Stir into veggie mixture, cover, and refrigerate for 24 hours. Drain before serving.

Another dressing for a similar salad used 1/4 C. salad oil, 2 Tbls water, 1/2 C or less sugar (Splenda instead), l C white vinegar, 1/4 tsp garlic powder, salt, pepper.

The peas, beans, and corn have higher carb content. Shouldn't be hard to get your carb count in. Granted, I did not sit and figure up carbs per serving yet. Not much for prep time either.

In this stifling hot weather, I like cold salads. I made a cabbage slaw this past weekend with a similar dressing.

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