Sunday, October 17, 2010

Eggplant- Mini Burger Stir Fry Courtesy of Sharon

Our composer and singer, Sharon from Israel contributed this stir fry recipe using eggplant and mini burgers. Sounds really good! We are getting beautiful eggplants right now in Florida, so I intend to try this one. Doesn't sound too time-consuming, either.

I invented something so good for dinner yesterday -- oiled the wok, stir-fried an eggplant peeled and cut into cubes with a few cloves of garlic cut in quarters, then took a pound of ground beef with some scallions chopped up into it and made a whole bunch of mini-burgers about as big as the circle between your thumb and forefinger. When they were just barely done (medium rare), I put them into the wok with the eggplant and added soy sauce and a little cracked pepper and tossed them gently around a bit. If I had had any sesame seeds I'd have thrown them in at that point. It was *so* good even without the sesame seeds, though. 

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