Have Some Viagra With Your Corn Flakes
Submitted by Dana on Mon, 2011-09-26 11:34 Ever wonder about the roots of the whole "Don't eat meat, eat lots of whole grains, fruits and vegetables, caffeine and alcohol are evil" ethos? Take a look at this excerpt from Chapter 11 of Plain Facts for Old and Young by Dr. John Harvey Kellogg. Yes, that Kellogg, the guy who invented the corn flake. The title of this chapter, should you not care to click through to the link, is "TREATMENT FOR SELF-ABUSE AND ITS EFFECTS."The following precautions are necessary to be observed in relation to diet: --
1. Never overeat. If too much food is taken at one meal, fast the next meal to give the system a chance to recover itself, and to serve as a barrier against future transgressions of the same kind. Gluttony is fatal to chastity; and overeating will be certain to cause emissions, with other evils, in one whose organs are weakened by abuse.
2. Eat but twice a day, or, if supper is eaten, let it be very light, and of the most simple food, as fruit, or fruit and bread. Nothing should be eaten within four or five hours of bed-time, and it is much better to eat nothing after three o'clock. The ancients ate but two meals a day; why should moderns eat three or four? If the stomach contains undigested food, the sleep will be disturbed, dreams will be more abundant, and emissions will be frequent. A most imperative rule of life should be, "Never go to bed with a loaded stomach." The violation of this rule is the great cause of dreams and nightmares.
3. Discard all stimulating food. Under this head must be included spices, pepper, ginger, mustard, cinnamon, cloves, essences, all condiments, pickles, etc., together with flesh food in any but moderate quantities. It is hardly to be expected that all who have been accustomed to use these articles all their lives, will discard them wholly at once, nor, perhaps, that many will ever discard them entirely; but it would be better for them to do so, nevertheless.
4. Stimulating drinks should be abstained from with still greater strictness. Wine, beer, tea, and coffee should be taken under no circumstances. The influence of coffee in stimulating the genital organs is notorious. Chocolate should be discarded also. It is recommended by some who suppose it to be harmless, being ignorant of the fact that it contains a poison practically identical with that of tea and coffee.
Hot drinks of all kinds should be avoided.
Tobacco, another stimulant, although not a drink, should be totally abandoned at once.
5. In place of such articles as have been condemned, eat fruits, grains, milk, and vegetables. There is a rich variety of these kinds of food, and they are wholesome and unstimulating. Graham flour, oatmeal, and ripe fruit are the indispensables of a dietary for those who are suffering from sexual excesses.
In other words, the point of a vegetarian diet based on grains was to reduce sex drive, thus helping to prevent that most awful of scourges, masturbation. If you read the chapter linked to, you will discover that this is about the least crazy thing Dr. Kellogg recommends. By the way, Doc Kellogg wasn't just against masturbation; he discouraged married couples from having sex any more often than they absolutely had to, and claimed his own marriage was completely chaste.
Dr. Sylvester Graham, for whom the Graham cracker is named, also recommended a vegetarian diet based on grains specifically to reduce sex drive.
I have no idea if it worked, though I do know that steroid hormones are made from cholesterol -- the body can, of course, make cholesterol itself if we don't eat it, but still, my morning cheese omelet can't have hurt. But it's interesting to know that the shift from breakfasts of eggs and bacon to cold cereal, and advocacy of a vegetarian diet in America, originally had the aim of killing libido.
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